Politics 2024-09-17T04:06:24+03:00
Ukrainian news
Hungary starts deporting Ukrainian refugees - mass media

Hungary starts deporting Ukrainian refugees - mass media

Hungary, Europe, Viktor Orban, refugees, Zakarpattia, western Ukraine, Russia's war against Ukraine, refugees from Ukraine

Hungary began expelling refugees from the Zakarpattia Region.

The Hungarian publication Telex writes about it, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

Since August 20, Hungary has stopped providing support to some Ukrainian refugees after the government made changes to the aid system in its summer decree.

The relevant resolution was published in the local newspaper Magyar Közlöny at the end of June.

After the changes come into effect, only people from certain regions of Ukraine can receive state aid in Hungary.

In the resolution, the government introduced a new concept - the so-called combat zone, which covers "administrative units of Ukraine directly affected by military operations."

At the same time, refugees from western Ukraine and the Zakarpattia Region are excluded from this system.

From August 21, all Hungarian humanitarian organizations, apart from the Malta Aid Service, will be excluded from the current system, and state aid can only be received through them.

Due to the changes, many residents of the Zakarpattia Region, in particular Roma with dual citizenship of Ukraine and Hungary, may be evicted from their shelters.

According to mass media, on August 20, in the city of Ercsi, 110 Zakarpattia Roma were forced to leave the building of the residential complex of the sugar factory, where they lived for two years.

In the city of Erd, 52 Zakarpattia refugees are in the same situation.

Other refugees from Ukraine are also at risk of eviction.

According to the media, the changes look like a measure to save budget funds and mainly have a negative impact on the Roma of Zakarpattia.

Since many Zakarpattia residents have dual citizenship, they will not have to leave Hungary, but they will not be able to receive assistance.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee has not received any information about how many people continue to receive support and how many people lose it.

The organization asked that those who sought legal protection be allowed to stay in their homes at least until the court's decision.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent Hungary's proposals for peace in Ukraine in a letter to the leaders of the European Union.

He informed the leaders of the European Council about the results of negotiations and visits to Ukraine, russia, China, and the United States, the first phase of the peacekeeping mission, and Hungary's proposals.


