Law Enforcement 2024-09-21T04:00:02+03:00
Ukrainian news
HACC’s Appeals Chamber upholds preventive measure of businessman Zhevaho in form of detention - lawyers

HACC’s Appeals Chamber upholds preventive measure of businessman Zhevaho in form of detention - lawyers

Kostiantyn Zhevaho, High Anti-Corruption Court, Chamber of Appeal of the High Anti-Corruption Court

The Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has upheld the preventive measure in the form of detention for businessman Kostiantyn Zhevaho.

Zhevaho's press service informed the Ukrainian News agency about this.

"There are no grounds for choosing a preventive measure in absentia in the form of detention in relation to Mr. Zhevaho, and such actions by law enforcement agencies and the court are illegal. The location of Kostiantyn Zhevaho was and is known to the investigation. Detectives and prosecutors have his address and contacts and are in constant communication with Mr. Zhevaho. Moreover, immediately after the HACC’s decision was made on July 10, 2024, the NACB detective and the SACPO prosecutor personally participated in the 11-hour interrogation of Zhevaho in France, which took place on July 11, 2024, they asked questions and had the opportunity to personally talk with Mr. Zhevaho," the lawyers said.

Given these circumstances, Zhevaho's defense considers the NACB detective's decision to declare Zhevaho an internationally wanted person unfounded.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, on July 10, the HACC decided to assign businessman Zhevaho a preventive measure in the form of detention.

By the decision of the Supreme Court of France, businessman, former Member of the Verkhovna Rada, Kostiantyn Zhevaho, has all restrictions removed, in particular, he can now leave France without hindrance.

On July 26, 2021, the court arrested Kostiantyn Zhevaho, a former MP, the beneficial owner of the Finance and Credit bank in absentia.

The State Bureau of Investigation suspects Zhevaho of involvement in the embezzlement of UAH 2.5 billion of the Finance and Credit bank and the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds.


