Economy 2024-09-22T04:00:02+03:00
Ukrainian news
EU ready to stop transit of russian gas through Ukraine

EU ready to stop transit of russian gas through Ukraine

Russian gas, transit of Russian gas, Russian gas transit

The European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, says that the European Union is ready to completely stop the transit of russian gas through the Ukrainian gas transport system after the end of the current contract in December 2024.

Interfax-Ukraine writes about this.

"I have been very clear also when I was speaking with my counterparts in Ukraine that we have been preparing ourselves for this situation that transit agreement between Ukraine and Russia will expire by the end of this December. We have found alternative supply routes and member states or their companies who are still receiving gas from Russia, they actually have received extra two years compared with other companies whom Russia decided to cut off supply already back in 2022," she told a press conference in Brussels on Wednesday.

At the same time, Simson stated that Ukraine's gas transport infrastructure is also part of the EU's infrastructure, as part of European gas is stored in Ukraine's storage facilities.

"Ukraine is also a gas producer so we have to take care that their infrastructure still has a value. But my message is very clear. There is no need to find some kind of new means to prolong trade with Gazprom. Alternative supplies are available and this regional gas coordination group, we have been engaging with these member states impacted to show them that alternative routes will deliver necessary volumes," the European Commissioner said.

Simson also cited figures showing that the share of russian gas in EU imports fell from 45% in 2021 to 18% by June 2024, while imports from reliable partners such as Norway and the U.S. increased.

In addition, the EU reduced gas demand in the period from August 2022 to May 2024 by 138 billion cubic meters.

"The EU reached its 90% winter gas storage target on August 19, 2024, well ahead of the November 1 deadline, and energy prices are more stable and remain well below the peak levels of the 2022 energy crisis,” she detailed.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, in July, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy informed that Ukraine does not want to extend the contract with russia for the transit of gas to Europe, instead, alternative suppliers, in particular Azerbaijan, are being considered.

In 2023, Ukraine reduced the transit of russian gas by 28.5% to 14.65 billion cubic meters compared to 2022.

In December 2019, the companies Naftogaz of Ukraine, Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine and russia's Gazprom signed an agreement on the transit of russian gas to Europe through the territory of Ukraine from 2020.

Ukraine and russia have agreed that, according to the new gas transit contract for 5 years, which can be extended after 2024, the volume of transit in 2020 will be 65 billion cubic meters of gas, and in 2021-2024 - 40 billion cubic meters each.


