Law Enforcement 2024-09-24T04:00:02+03:00
Ukrainian news
Detectives ask Cyprus and Israel to provide important documents regarding Kolomoiskyi, citizen of these count

Detectives ask Cyprus and Israel to provide important documents regarding Kolomoiskyi, citizen of these countries

Cyprus, Israel, Kolomoiskyi, Ihor Kolomoiskyi, Cyprus citizenship, Bureau of Economic Security, citizenship of Cyprus, case against Kolomoiskyi

Detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security appealed to Cyprus and Israel with a request to provide important documents regarding the businessman Ihor Kolomoiskyi, who has the citizenship of these countries.

This is stated in court documents, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

The BES stated that it cannot complete its investigation until it receives data and supporting documents from the competent authorities of the United States of America, the French Republic, the United Kingdom of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Cyprus and the State of Israel.

The BES requested these documents from the countries within the framework of the relevant requests for international legal assistance.

It is not specified what kind of documents these are.

Kolomoiskyi, according to the court and investigation, is a citizen of Israel and Cyprus.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the prosecutor admitted that Kolomoiskyi will not be released because he can flee to Cyprus, which does not extradite its citizens.


