Finance 2024-09-23T04:00:01+03:00
Ukrainian news
Rada budget committee head Pidlasa against "printing" hryvnia

Rada budget committee head Pidlasa against "printing" hryvnia

Roksolana Pidlasa, printing of money, money emission, issuing of money

Member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People faction, head of the parliamentary budget committee, Roksolana Pidlasa, opposes the issue of the hryvnia.

She told journalists about this, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"I am inclined to the position of the National Bank of Ukraine, in particular because our international partners, primarily the International Monetary Fund, are categorically against the issue or printing of the Ukrainian hryvnia," the MP is convinced.

She noted that in Ukraine there are very specific conditions under which the country can afford the NBU to buy domestic state loan bonds issued by the government and thus print the hryvnia.

According to her, such a case is prescribed in the memorandum with the IMF, in its closed part, where it is indicated that Ukraine should have a gap in the receipt of international aid.

"That is, at the moment, when there is no gap, I do not think that we can resort to this method this year. And here the government's calculation is that commercial banks will be ready to buy enough government securities, that is, to actually lend the government money so that we can finance all expenses by the end of the year," Pidlasa explained.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the National Bank will maintain its independence, will seek to avoid direct financing of budget expenditures and fiscal dominance.


