Society 2024-09-24T04:00:01+03:00
Ukrainian news
"In winter, power outages can occur only on days of severe frosts - over 10 degrees," Cabinet’s representative

"In winter, power outages can occur only on days of severe frosts - over 10 degrees," Cabinet’s representative

Cabinet of Ministers, power outages, power outage schedules

Under the optimistic scenario, which the government still considers as a baseline, it will be possible to pass the current winter as well as the last one - practically without power outages.

This was stated by one of the senior officials of the Cabinet of Ministers in a comment to the publication RBC-Ukraine on condition of anonymity.

Arguments in favor of such a forecast were named: high level of protection of energy facilities, commissioning of additional generation and increase in imports.

However, the publication notes that currently positive expectations do not find concrete confirmation outside government offices, neither in the expert environment, nor among energy market participants.

"The industry gets the impression that the authorities are trying to create an optimistic picture before winter. And in order to preserve the period without power outages as long as possible, they are postponing the repair of equipment at one of the units of the South Ukraine NPP," the authors of the publication note.

As previously reported, the United Nations predicts that this winter, power outages in Ukraine may last from 4 to 18 hours every day.


