Politics 2024-09-15T07:33:30+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russian Soldiers Hiding Stolen Laptops In Body Armor, Removing Protective Plates - Zelenskyy

Russian Soldiers Hiding Stolen Laptops In Body Armor, Removing Protective Plates - Zelenskyy

Russian aggression, Russian military, Russian troops, Russian Armed Forces, Russian soldiers, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, war with Russia, war in Ukraine, Russian occupation troops, looting in Ukraine, looting, Russian occupation forces, Russian occupation, Russia’s war with Ukraine

Russian soldiers hide stolen laptops in body armor, removing protective plates.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this in an address to the South Korean parliament, talking about the looting of Russian soldiers in Ukraine, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Almost immediately, Russian troops in Ukraine, in those areas where they could invade, engaged in looting. They sought to take home to Russia everything that is of at least some value: from washing machines to computers, from auto parts to clothes. They just stuffed armored personnel carriers, trucks with this, stole cars and tried to take out all the loot. There were cases when Russian soldiers took out protective plates from their body armor to hide stolen laptops and tablets in their body armor. It is impossible to believe when a person is so poor that he believes that a laptop is more valuable than his own life in war," he said.

Zelenskyy noted that the Russian leadership deliberately creates conditions for its citizens when they are forced to live in total hopeless poverty, they cannot afford even the simplest things, normal food, ordinary household appliances, normal education, when military service for many becomes the only so-called social elevator, the opportunity to get at least something in life, at least somehow try to provide for themselves.

According to the President, having gone to war and entered the territory of a neighboring state, tens of thousands of Russian military were simply shocked by the cities and villages in which people lived without distress, having household appliances and high-quality food.

Zelenskyy called Russia a world of people specially humiliated by the state for decades, specially driven into poverty and lawlessness so that the authorities could direct them to any adventures, a war against neighbors.

He stressed that this is a war not only on the subordination of Ukraine, this is the first step after which the enemy wants to go further to Europe and Asia.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Zelenskyy makes appeals in the parliaments of many countries, trying to convey the truth about Russia's war in Ukraine, explain that Russia will not limit itself to aggression only against Ukraine and urging the world to provide assistance to Ukraine to counter aggression and apply sanctions to Russia, forcing it to peace.


