Politics 2024-09-15T05:41:08+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia Keeps 4 Ships On Combat Duty In Black Sea, Of Which 1 Missile Carrier - Navy

Russia Keeps 4 Ships On Combat Duty In Black Sea, Of Which 1 Missile Carrier - Navy

warships, Russian warships, Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles, Russian cruise missiles, Kalibr cruise missiles, sea-based cruise missiles, missile carriers, Russian ships on combat duty, Russian missile carriers, Kalibr cruise missile carriers, Russian warships in Black Sea, Russian ships on combat duty in Black Sea

As of Wednesday, March 29, Russia is keeping 4 ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, including 1 carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to 4 missiles.

The command of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced this on the Telegram channel, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"In the Black Sea there are 4 enemy ships on combat duty, of which 1 carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles, a total salvo - up to 4 missiles; in the Sea of ​ ​ Azov - 1 enemy ship; in the Mediterranean Sea - up to 7 enemy ships, of which 3 carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles, a total salvo - up to 20 missiles," the report said.

During the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the following passed along the Kerch-Yenikal Strait:

- to the Sea of ​ ​ Azov - 13 ships, of which 4 vessels continued to move in the direction of the Bosphorus Strait;

- to the Black Sea - 13 ships, of which 2 vessels continued in the direction of the Bosphorus Strait.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on March 27, Russia kept 7 ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, including 1 carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles.


