Politics 2024-09-15T05:35:15+03:00
Ukrainian news
Vadym Stolar: Since the first days of the large-scale invasion, the Armed Forces have been receiving assistanc

Vadym Stolar: Since the first days of the large-scale invasion, the Armed Forces have been receiving assistance from our Foundation

Vadym Stolar, Vadym Stolar Foundation

From the first days of the large-scale invasion, the Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation, led by its founder, has been providing systematic assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the "++ for the Armed Forces" project, and will continue to do so until the final Victory. This is stated on the website of the Foundation.

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According to the founder, the Russian invasion demonstrated the true resilience of Ukrainians and strengthened our belief that our collective strength is based on unity and courage. Ukrainians have grown to help each other like never before, providing care to those who need it most, and also support to defenders.

"The Foundation has also been involved in helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of the war, providing hot meals to those who defended Kyiv region. Since then, we have expanded our support to cover the list of defenders' needs, including equipment, high-tech devices and specialized vehicles, which we send to the east and south of the country," says Vadym Stolar.

He emphasizes that the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people to Victory is a source of inspiration for the world community. And the Foundation will provide maximum support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine until Victory is achieved - such a commitment it undertook from the beginning of the invasion.

Vadym Stolar's Foundation provides defenders with high-tech equipment, cars and ammunition

Volunteers of the Foundation list the specific positions and amounts of aid purchased and provided to the military in the last 14 months, which have passed since Russia's large-scale attack on Ukraine.

According to volunteer Nataliya Prykhodko, thanks to the support of the Foundation's founder Vadym Stolar, numerous large-scale projects were successfully implemented. In particular, within the framework of the "++ for the Armed Forces" initiative, 325 units of high-tech equipment, such as quadcopters, anti-drone systems, thermal imagers, video cameras, other devices and ammunition, were delivered to defenders and law enforcement agencies. All this is based on direct requests from the military.

"We also provided them with 32 special all-terrain vehicles and armored vehicles. As for medical aid, we have transferred more than 30,000 units, as well as more than 34,000 units of various ammunition, tools, and clothing. The Foundation also provided housing for servicemen and implemented social projects for their families," notes Nataliya Prykhodko.

Vadym Stolar and his Foundation help not only the military, but also civilians

In addition to helping the military, the Foundation also carries out various social and humanitarian projects to help Ukrainians in difficult times. One of these projects is "Recover", which aims to help families in emotional recovery after the loss of a parent or home. The program for studying the modern Ukrainian language is intended for those who want to improve their fluency in Ukrainian. Such projects as "Health checks", "Sports in the district", "Psychological support" are designed to help restore the physical and mental well-being of Ukrainians.

Also, the Vadym Stolar Foundation provides ongoing support to medical facilities across the country, beginning with the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and continuing during a large-scale war.

If you need help, you can contact the Foundation directly through social networks, including Facebook



Больше новостей о: Vadym Stolar Vadym Stolar Foundation

