Economy 2024-09-15T05:34:56+03:00
Ukrainian news
The Americans are completing the reconstruction of the infamous Vokzalnaya street in Bucha – 50 houses have be

The Americans are completing the reconstruction of the infamous Vokzalnaya street in Bucha – 50 houses have been restored

Bucha, Global Empowerment Mission, GEM, Michael Capponi, Bucha City Council
Reconstruction of Vokzalna Street in Bucha. Photo by
Reconstruction of Vokzalna Street in Bucha. Photo by

US non-profit organization Global Empowerment Mission (GEM), which has been helping Ukrainian refugees and communities from day two of the russian invasion of Ukraine, has been repairing a 2,5 km stretch of Vokzalna Street in Bucha. The street is notorious for being the place of severe hostilities where the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed a huge Russian military convoy.

This was reported by the press service of GEM.

GEM in cooperation with the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and Bucha City Council is finishing the restoration of Vokzalna Street: 50 houses in total were rebuilt, 12 of them involved building from scratch, others had significant or light repairs done depending on the degree of destruction. This renovation is part of the "Hope for Bucha" program.

"A year ago, Vokzalna Street in Bucha was the site of the greatest destruction after the offensive of russian troops on Kyiv. Destroyed houses, burned tanks, dead bodies on the road – the whole world saw the pictures of Vokzalna Street that revealed the atrocities committed by russia against the civilian population in Bucha", GEM’s Founder and President Michael Capponi says.

The project of Vokzalna Street restoration was implemented within the "Hope for Bucha" program. The program was launched in June 2022. Together with the Bucha city council, GEM and the organization’s partners started renovating the least damaged properties to bring back IDPs and help restore the community's life. GEM and Bucha mayor Anatolii Fedoruk signed the correspondent memorandum of understanding.

The program involves reconstructing apartment buildings, houses, schools and medical clinics damaged by russians. In addition to Vokzalna Street, GEM has repaired 164 houses, 7 schools, 8 hospitals, 2 kindergartens and 7 apartment buildings.

"We launched the "Hope for Bucha" program in response to an overwhelming desire for Ukrainians to return back home. It was also amazing to see how eager the local people were to help in rebuilding efforts. Now that one of the most cruelly destroyed places in Ukraine is restored, everybody sees that it is possible to bring back hope to the local community and restore the damage of the severe hostilities. Our goal is to bring as many people back to their homes as quickly as possible", Michael Capponi says.

The overall list of donors and partners of GEM for Ukraine includes over 50 companies and organizations, including Good 360, BStrong, Amazon, Goya Foods, Walmart, Home Depot, and many other well-known brands.


