Politics 2024-09-15T05:20:36+03:00
Ukrainian news
Summer biathlon: Ukraine wins, Moldova takes the podium and introduces artificial intellect

Summer biathlon: Ukraine wins, Moldova takes the podium and introduces artificial intellect

sport, Ukraine, Moldova, biathlon, Artificial intelligence, Summer biathlon, Dmitri Torner
Summer biathlon. Photo: social networks
Summer biathlon. Photo: social networks

Theinformation agency «Biatlon» reports that the Ukrainian biathlete Darya Blashko won the "Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival", which was held in Italy.

Dorothea Vierer (Italy) took second place, and ukrainian Alla Gilenko, who is currently defending the colors of the Republic of Moldova, took third place.

It is worth noting that Gilenco was not the only representative of Moldova to reach the podium. The 2nd place in the men's competition was also taken by Pavel Magazeyev, who won the Slovak Open Championship the day before

It is interesting that the Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival took place on the day when all the presidents of national biathlon federations met in Vienna on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the International Biathlon Union (IBU).

The winners of Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival
The winners of Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival

In addition to the celebrations, the meeting included discussions on the directions of biathlon development in the short-term perspective.

Some of them concerned the introduction of digital technologies. In particular, the President of the Biathlon Federation of the Republic of Moldova, Dmitriy Torner announced the introduction of technologies based on artificial intellect and neural networks in the training process

"The system, that we want to use, will help to keep track of the real progress of the biathlete. This is especially important in children's sports, when the basis for the future mastery is been put in place. The role of the coach, of course, is decisive, but such technology can significantly assist him in the training process", - he noted.

President of the Moldovan Biathlon Federation Dmitri Torner and IBU Secretary General Max Cobb during the Presidential Conference in Vienna dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the IBU, July 2
President of the Moldovan Biathlon Federation Dmitri Torner and IBU Secretary General Max Cobb during the Presidential Conference in Vienna dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the IBU, July 2

According to Dmitri Torner, such a digital system consists of cameras located along the biathlon track, equipped with artificial intellect with neural networks. A special module is able to determine the biathletes movements, automatically detect errors and give recommendations for their elimination. He is convinced, that efficiency of training will increase.

"The data obtained with a help of such technologies will assist to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the biaathlete and optimize the training process for maximum effect", - believes Dmitri Torner.

Innovative system equipped with artificial intellectInnovative system equipped with artificial intellect

Mikhaïlo Usov a member of the Moldovan national biathlon team shares this opinion.

"Artificial intellect advanced considerably, including in biathlon. Technologies will reveal us an errors during a tracks. I think that's a huge step forward"- he pointed out.


