Politics 2024-09-15T04:57:12+03:00
Ukrainian news
Tribunal over Ukrainian military held in occupied Donetsk - Lubinets

Tribunal over Ukrainian military held in occupied Donetsk - Lubinets

dpr, war in Ukraine, Russia's war against Ukraine, war crime, Russian occupation, Ukrainian POWs, Dmytro Lubinets

The so-called court in the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk Region convicted three Ukrainian servicemen on trumped-up charges, and sentenced one of them to life imprisonment. The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, announced this in his Telegram channel.

"Today, the so-called "court" of the terrorist grouping "DPR" convicted three Ukrainian soldiers on trumped-up charges. The head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection service, Oleh Kolmychevskyi, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Two soldiers of the 56th Infantry Brigade, grenade launcher operator Dmytro Dobrovolskyi and gunner Oleksandr Romashyn, received 30 years behind bars," Lubinets wrote.

The Ombudsman emphasized that the verdicts of these quasi-organizations, which were not recognized by the world community, are a gross violation of the Third Geneva Convention in terms of the right of POWs to a fair trial and the prevention of torture. Only Ukraine has the right to administer justice on the territory of the Donetsk Region, so russian "courts" are considered a war crime, Lubinets emphasized.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in April, the aggressor state of russia submitted a bill to the State Duma, which provides for life imprisonment for "treason".

In December, a citizen of Ukraine was sentenced to three years in prison in russia for buying a GPS tracker.

In July, russian opera singer Vadim Cheldyev was sentenced to 10 years in prison for posting on social networks.


