Events 2024-09-15T04:56:11+03:00
Ukrainian news
Defense Intelligence soldiers attack russian landing ships in Crimea

Defense Intelligence soldiers attack russian landing ships in Crimea

Crimea, landing ship, Defense Intelligence, Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, hit of russian ships

As a result of a night operation on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea by soldiers of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, small landing ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the aggressor country of the russian federation were hit. We are talking about boats of project 11770 (Serna class). The special operation was successfully implemented thanks to the support of the United24 platform. This was reported by the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

As reported, the ships were carrying a crew and loaded with armored vehicles, in particular BTR-82.

The aggressor country of russia actively used small amphibious boats of the Serna class during the occupation of the Zmiyinyi Island to transfer military equipment and landing troops.

In addition, the russians placed Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile complexes on board of the boats for mobile cover of their group on the island and in our Black Sea.

The small amphibious ship of the Serna class has high speed, can accommodate up to 45 tons of cargo and 92 armed landing personnel.

Occupiers use these boats to disembark advance groups of marines or evacuate.

"And in the conditions of the russians' actual lack of naval air defense equipment after a series of attacks by the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, such boats with air defense systems on board served for the invaders as a cover for the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation during raids. Now this idea of the russians has been destroyed!" the Defense Intelligence emphasized.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on November 5, the Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Mykola Oleshchuk, confirmed the destruction of one of the most modern ships of the russian Black Sea Fleet in the temporarily occupied Kerch, the Kalibr cruise missile carrier.


