Politics 2024-09-15T04:55:39+03:00
Ukrainian news
Tsariov, who survived assassination attempt by SSU, served in absentia with suspicion of financing russian Gua

Tsariov, who survived assassination attempt by SSU, served in absentia with suspicion of financing russian Guard

Crimea, Prosecutor General's Office, suspicion, SSU, Oleh Tsariov, Russian Guard

Former member of the Verkhovna Rada Oleh Tsariov was served in absentia with the suspicion of financing the russian Guard.

This was announced by the Prosecutor General's Office, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

He is accused of financing actions taken with the aim of changing the borders of the territory and the state border of Ukraine in violation of the procedure established by the Constitution of Ukraine (Part 3 of Article 110-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, former member of the Party of Regions, Tsariov, left for the russian federation in 2014.

Today, he actively cooperates with the military and political leadership of the aggressor state with the aim of harming Ukraine's defense capabilities.

He uses his acquaintances and connections in the country to gather information.

So far, the investigation has obtained evidence of the suspect's financing of the armed formations of the occupation authorities on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Ex-MP had real estate and a number of enterprises there.

After the annexation of the peninsula, he registered them under russian law and hired the military of the russian Guard to provide security measures.

The facts of money transfers for the protection of the manor museum and sanatorium belonging to him in Yalta have been established.

They were transferred to the accounts of the "Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Okhrana" of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the russian federation".

In fact, the suspect finances the occupation troops of the aggressor state in the Ukrainian Crimea.

Earlier, he was served with the suspicion of encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, collaborative activities and treason.

Pre-trial investigation – SSU Directorate in the Vinnytsia Region.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, alive collaborator Tsariov appeared in public for the first time in more than a week after the attempt.

The Security Service of Ukraine conducted a special operation and organized an assassination attempt on the collaborator Oleh Tsariov in Yalta.


