Politics 2024-09-15T04:55:27+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia was preparing for large-scale take out of grain from Ukraine for months with aim of causing famine amon

Russia was preparing for large-scale take out of grain from Ukraine for months with aim of causing famine among Ukrainians - media

Russia, grain, Russia's war against Ukraine, famine, stolen Ukrainian grain, take out of grain

Russia was developing plans for a large-scale take out of food from the territory of Ukraine several months before a full-scale invasion. In this way, the invaders hoped to cause famine among the country's population.

The British publication The Independent writes about this with reference to the report of the human rights organization Global Rights Compliance (GRC).

The GRC managed to establish that as early as December 2021, one of the contractors of the Ministry of Defense of the russian federation began to massively purchase trucks for the transportation of grain.

The company also purchased three 170-meter-long bulkers - cargo vessels designed for bulk cargo transportation, including grain.

This information indicates that russia was developing plans in advance to rob Ukrainian food resources on an unprecedented scale.

The GRC recalled that russian troops began seizing Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and farms already a week after the full-scale invasion. Immediately after that, a large-scale take out of grain from the occupied territories began.

It is emphasized that at its peak, russia was taking out about 12,000 tons of grain from Ukrainian territories every day.

The russians exported the stolen grain to the occupied Crimea. This is confirmed by numerous satellite images of car convoys and railway warehouses that transported grain.

The market value of grain stolen by russia from Ukraine as a result of a full-scale invasion is estimated at USD 1 billion a year.

The GRC intends to provide the collected materials to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The organization hopes it will lead to the first international prosecution of russian dictator vladimir putin for the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, experts previously predicted a decrease in the production of agricultural products in Ukraine due to the consequences of a full-scale invasion of the russian federation.

We also wrote that in the occupied territories, the russians force farmers to hand over grain for nothing.


