Politics 2024-09-15T04:49:51+03:00
Ukrainian news
Finance Ministry fulfills state budget borrowing plan for 73.7% attracting UAH 1.68 trillion for 2023

Finance Ministry fulfills state budget borrowing plan for 73.7% attracting UAH 1.68 trillion for 2023

Finance Ministry, state budget, borrowing plan, 2023, fulfill

Actual state borrowings to the general fund of the state budget for 2023 amounted to UAH 1.68 trillion, or 73.7% of the planned for this period.

This follows from a statement by the Ministry of Finance, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

A total of UAH 552.6 billion was raised from the placement of domestic government loan bonds to finance the state budget, including UAH 164.1 billion in foreign currency (USD 3.68 billion and EUR 735.8 million).

At the same time, UAH 281.8 billion was raised due to the issuance of military domestic government loan bonds.

UAH 1.13 trillion (USD 30.9 billion) came from external sources, in particular:

- UAH 714.9 billion (EUR 18.0 billion) of EU macro-financial assistance funds in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between Ukraine and the EU (Instrument for providing support to Ukraine for 2023 (macro-financial assistance +, MFD-IX);

- UAH 164.0 billion (3.3 billion Special Drawing Rights) of IMF funds within the framework of the four-year EFF extended financing program;

- UAH 64.2 billion (CAD 2.4 billion) loan from the Government of Canada;

- UAH 54.9 billion (USD 1.5 billion) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support development and recovery policy;

- UAH 33.3 billion (USD 900.0 million) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the project titled Investments In Social Protection To Increase Coverage, Stability And Efficiency (INSPIRE);"

- UAH 18.3 billion (USD 500.0 million) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the Fourth additional financing of the project titled Supporting Public Expenditures To Ensure Sustainable Public Administration In Ukraine;

- UAH 18.1 billion (USD 500.0 million) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the Fifth additional financing of the project titled Supporting Public Expenditures To Ensure Sustainable Public Administration In Ukraine;

- UAH 37.5 billion (USD 1.0 billion) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the Sixth additional financing of the project titled Supporting Public Expenditures To Ensure Sustainable Public Administration In Ukraine;

- UAH 16.1 billion (EUR 404.3 million) of the IDA loan within the framework of the project titled Supporting State Expenditures To Ensure Sustainable Public Administration In Ukraine;

- UAH 4.8 billion (USD 132.0 million) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the project titled Acceleration Of Investments In The Agriculture Of Ukraine;

- UAH 1.8 billion (EUR 47.0 million) loan from the IBRD within the framework of the project titled Strengthening The Health Care System And Saving Lives;

- UAH 1.3 billion (USD 35.0 million) of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development funds as part of the second additional financing aimed at overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic;

- UAH 0.5 billion (USD 15.0 million) loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the framework of the project titled Modernization Of The Social System. Support Of The Population Of Ukraine;

- UAH 0.7 billion (USD 18.5 million) loan from the IBRD within the framework of the project titled Modernization Of The Social System. Support Of The Population Of Ukraine;

- UAH 0.5 billion (USD 14.0 million) loan from the IBRD within the framework of the project titled Additional Financing Of The Project Titled Improving Health Care At The Service Of People.

At the same time, according to operational data, payments for repayment of the state debt for January - UAH December 2023 amount to UAH 436.5 billion (95.8% of the plan), payments for maintenance - UAH 247.4 billion (93.3% of the plan).

Funds raised from placements of domestic government loan bonds for January - UAH December 2023 made it possible to fully cover the need for funds necessary to make payments for repayment of Government bonds.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the state budget for 2023 was implemented with a deficit of UAH 1.33 trillion, including the general fund - in the amount of UAH 1.36 trillion, against the planned deficit of the general fund for 2023 in the amount of UAH 1.83 trillion.



