Politics 2024-09-15T04:38:12+03:00
Ukrainian news
Biden warns allies about world order change for 50 years in the event of Ukraine's defeat in war with RF

Biden warns allies about world order change for 50 years in the event of Ukraine's defeat in war with RF

Ukraine, Biden, victory, US, Plan, win, allies

The international order will change for the next 50 years if Ukraine loses the war with russia.

U.S. President Joe Biden privately informed allies about this, knowledgeable sources told Bloomberg.

In this regard, he demanded developing a plan for the use of frozen russian assets before the June G7 summit in order to direct them to finance the budget of Ukraine and then restore the country. At the same time, the U.S. president emphasized that giving Kyiv access to frozen russian funds will not replace the need for financial assistance from the U.S.

The White House is also convinced that russia should not decide on its own when to compensate Ukraine for the damage, the agency's interlocutors claim.

G7 officials are already discussing using frozen russian assets as collateral or guarantees. All of Kyiv's allies agree that these funds should remain closed to Moscow if it does not agree to help rebuild Ukraine. However, there is no consensus among the countries regarding the legality of full confiscation, the interlocutors of the agency emphasized.


Больше новостей о: Ukraine Biden victory US Plan win allies

