Politics 2024-09-15T04:37:40+03:00
Ukrainian news
International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Commanders of Long-Range Aviation and Black Sea Fleet

International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Commanders of Long-Range Aviation and Black Sea Fleet of russia

International Criminal Court, ICC, arrest warrant, International Criminal Court in The Hague

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued warrants for the arrest of the Commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the russian federation Sergei Ivanovich Kobylash and the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation Viktor Nikolayevich Sokolov in the case of war crimes in Ukraine.

This is stated in the message of the International Criminal Court, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

It is noted that the corresponding decision was made as part of the investigation of war crimes committed by the russian military on the territory of Ukraine at least from October 10, 2022 to March 9, 2023.

At that time, Lieutenant General Sergei Kobylash was the Commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Aerospace Force of the russian federation, and Admiral Viktor Sokolov served as the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation.

They are accused of several war crimes.

We are talking, in particular, about attacks on civilian objects and harm to civilians.

"Pre-Trial Chamber II considered that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the two suspects bear responsibility for missile strikes carried out by the forces under their command against the Ukrainian electric infrastructure from at least 10 October 2022 until at least 9 March 2023,” the statement said.

In addition, they are accused of a crime against humanity.

The ICC noted that there are reasons to believe that both russian high-ranking officials are individually criminally liable for these crimes, in particular, for committing actions jointly and/or through others, for orders for committing crimes and/or for failing to exercise proper control over the forces under their subordination.

The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the russian commanders on the basis of petitions that were submitted by the prosecution.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Ukraine agreed with the International Criminal Court to open an ICC representative office in Ukraine.

On the night of March 2, one of the drones during maneuvers among residential neighborhoods of Odesa hit a nine-story building of a sleeping area. Part of the entrance of 18 apartments was destroyed.


