Politics 2024-09-15T04:36:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine showed in The Hague evidence of crimes committed by russia

Ukraine showed in The Hague evidence of crimes committed by russia

national police, Russian aggression, war crimes, war in Ukraine, Russia's war against Ukraine, The Hague, war crimes of Russia

Police officers presented the results of the investigation of war crimes by the aggressor state of russia in Ukraine at the annual meeting of experts held at the Europol Headquarters in The Hague (Netherlands).

This is stated in the message of the official web portal of the National Police of Ukraine on Monday, March 11.

The event was attended by investigators from European, US and Canadian units specializing in investigations of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes, as well as representatives of Eurojust and international non-governmental organizations. In total, representatives of more than 30 countries joined.

Specialists of the National Police of Ukraine created the "War Crime" subsystem, which already contains information on 550,000 war criminals, facts of war crimes and evidence discovered during the military aggression of the russian federation. All Security and Defense Forces of the country have access to this database.

In order to identify the occupiers and their crimes, specialists carry out the following measures:

  • recognize criminals with the help of systems from more than 30 billion images of faces obtained from open sources on the Internet;
  • verify war criminals in social networks;
  • use satellite communication and analysis of video and photo materials from seized mobile terminals, video surveillance cameras;
  • carry out OSINT research (photo-video materials obtained on the global network);
  • use the interdepartmental "War Crime" database.

"Achieving results in investigations would not be possible without daily painstaking work. The investigation of war crimes is hundreds of thousands of inspections of the places of events, searches, investigative experiments, interrogations and other investigative actions. Combined with the use of advanced technologies, this has already resulted in more than 2,400 of suspicions, half of which have already been sent to court.

“The most important thing here is that in order to convict the russian military in national courts, we collect evidence and record war crimes according to international standards, which means that we will definitely use this in international institutions to bring the highest leadership of the russian federation to criminal responsibility and pay reparations to our country,” Maksym Tsutskiridze, head of the Main Investigation Department, emphasized.

 National Police. The Hague Photo: National Police National Police. The Hague Photo: National Police

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on March 5, the court of The Hague issued two arrest warrants - for the commander of the long-range aviation of the russian federation Sergey Kobilash and the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation Viktor Sokolov.

We will remind you that on March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir putin for the war crime of illegal deportation of children and illegal transfer of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to the russian federation.

On January 26, 2023, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) supported the resolution on the creation of an international tribunal on the military and political leadership of russia and Belarus.


