Events 2024-09-15T04:33:49+03:00
Ukrainian news
Kharkiv was hit by aerial bombs - for the first time since full-scale invasion start

Kharkiv was hit by aerial bombs - for the first time since full-scale invasion start

Kharkiv, Russia's war against Ukraine, airstrike, aerial bomb, guided aerial bombs

For the first time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian occupation forces used a planning aerial bomb to attack Kharkiv. As a result of the attack, there are killed and wounded.

Serhii Bolvinov, Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kharkiv Region, announced this.

"Kharkiv was hit by aerial bombs - for the first time since 2022. Shevchenkivskyi district is under attack. According to verified information, the enemy used a cheap analogue of a cruise missile. This is a UMPB D-30 SN," Bolvinov wrote on Facebook.

According to him, the UMPB D-30 SN is a munition made on the basis of a conventional FAB-250 aviation bomb.

Earlier, law enforcement agencies said that Kharkiv was hit by an anti-ship missile Kh-35.

What is known about UMPB D-30 SN ammunition

This is a so-called "blunt aerial bomb" (free-falling, unguided), which is equipped with a UMPB module, which stands for "Universal interspecies planning munition".

In fact, it is an ordinary aviation bomb integrated into the module of the planning and correction module. Thanks to the system of ailerons and rudders, such a bomb is able to plan to the target for some time after dropping.

According to information from open sources, such ammunition is also equipped with inertial and satellite navigation systems, as well as a turbojet engine in the tail.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on the evening of Wednesday, March 27, the russian occupiers struck Kharkiv twice. It is known that one person was killed, and at least 16 others were injured.

We will remind, on the night of March 26, the occupiers attacked Kharkiv with attack drones. Local authorities reported that air defense managed to shoot down 8 russian drones.

We also wrote that on March 22, the russians fired 15 ballistic missiles at Kharkiv, targeting the city's power system.


