Politics 2024-09-15T04:32:53+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine begins to attack russian federation with drones with artificial intelligence - CNN

Ukraine begins to attack russian federation with drones with artificial intelligence - CNN

Artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence technology, drone attack on oil deport, drone attack on Kremlin, drone attack on Moscow, drone attack on russia, drone attacks

Ukrainian strikes on the oil and gas industry of the aggressor state of russia cause it more harm than Western sanctions. This was made possible by the use of drones with artificial intelligence.

It was reported by CNN on Tuesday, April 2.

Ukrainian strikes hit huge russia's oil and gas industry, which despite Western import bans and price caps remains the largest source of revenue for moscow's economy. These attacks occurred thanks to longer-range drones, as well as artificial intelligence for targeting terrain and avoiding jamming, CNN reports.

“Accuracy under jamming is enabled through the use of artificial intelligence. Each aircraft has a terminal computer with satellite and terrain data. The flights are determined in advance with our allies, and the aircraft follow the flight plan to enable us to strike targets with meters of precision,” the publication quoted a Ukrainian source close to the drone program as saying.

This accuracy was made possible by drone sensors, which are called "machine vision" and are a form of artificial intelligence. Such a drone does not require communication with satellites, it is completely autonomous, explained Noah Sylvia, a research analyst at the Royal United Services Institute, a UK-based think tank.

Several experts contacted by CNN said that instead of hitting fuel storage facilities, Ukraine hits distillation units, where crude oil is processed and turned into fuel or other derivatives. Such targets require many Western technologies to repair, and it is much more difficult for russia to purchase these components.

This approach causes russia much more damage, to which markets respond. Experts believe that these attacks may have a greater impact on the russian economy than the current sanctions.

“If you think about the sanctions that have been put in place so far, they’ve largely bypassed energy. It really has been energy exports, crude, natural gas, refined products, that have given Russia the economic lifeline to continue to fight this war,” Helima Croft, a managing director and global head of commodity strategy at the investment bank RBC Capital Markets.

Ukraine said it had turned off 12% of russian refining capacity, while Reuters estimated that damage to the aggressor had reached 14%. Against this background, russia admitted that some of its oil refining capacity is not working, and temporarily banned the export of gasoline in order to avoid an increase in domestic fuel prices.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on April 2, the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced a drone attack on a russian factory for the assembly of strike drones of the Shahed type.

Recall that on the night of March 17, the aggressor country of the russian federation was massively attacked by drones.

In addition, on March 15, drones attacked two refineries in the Samara Region of russia.


