Economy 2024-09-15T04:31:48+03:00
Ukrainian news
NBU and US Treasury will continue to exchange experience in cybersecurity

NBU and US Treasury will continue to exchange experience in cybersecurity

National Bank of Ukraine, Treasury, cyber threats, cyber security, cyber dialogue, cyber war, U.S. Department of the Treasury, cyber defense

The National Bank of Ukraine continues cooperation with the Department of the Treasury of the United States in the field of cybersecurity in the banking and financial sectors of Ukraine.

This is stated in the NBU message, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

To this end, the parties signed a Memorandum of cooperation in the field of cybersecurity.

Its signing allows the National Bank and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to continue cooperation, which was the result of previous agreements between institutions to support Ukraine in cybersecurity and provide comprehensive assistance to further develop the capabilities of cyber protection of Ukraine, in particular the banking and financial sectors.

The purpose of this document is to organize cooperation between the National Bank of Ukraine and the U.S. Department of the Treasury for:

- implementation of information exchange mechanisms in the field of cybersecurity and current cyber threats;

- further development of the Cyber Security Center of the National Bank of Ukraine (CSIRT-NBU);

- development and implementation of support measures for the National Bank on cybersecurity in the banking and financial sectors of Ukraine.

The memorandum entered into force on April 4, 2024.

It defines methods for sharing information about cybersecurity threats and incidents, participants in cyber threats, as well as allows parties to conduct joint exercises, expert forums, etc.

The memorandum is based on the principles of transparency, voluntariness and confidentiality.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the National Bank has developed requirements for the functioning of the cyber defense system in the banking system of Ukraine, and also updated the criteria and procedure for banks for assigning the objects as critical information infrastructure.


