World 2024-09-15T04:31:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia asks Kazakhstan for 100,000 tons of gasoline in case of shortage due to Ukraine's attacks - Reuters

Russia asks Kazakhstan for 100,000 tons of gasoline in case of shortage due to Ukraine's attacks - Reuters

Russia, fuel, Kazakhstan, gasoline deficit, UAVs attacks

The aggressor state of russia asked Kazakhstan to be ready to supply it with 100,000 tons of gasoline in the event of a shortage that could be caused by Ukrainian drone attacks.

This was reported by the Reuters agency on Monday, April 8, with reference to well-informed sources in the industry.

One of the sources reported that the agreement on the formation of relevant reserves in Kazakhstan for the russian federation has already been agreed. Belarus has also agreed to help russia with the supply of gasoline. The publication writes that as of the end of March, drone attacks disabled about 14% of russian primary oil processing facilities. Despite this, the russian authorities assure that the situation on the domestic fuel markets is "stable" and the reserves are "sufficiently large".

"Usually russia is a net fuel exporter and supplier to international markets, but refinery outages have forced its oil companies to import. Sources said Moscow has asked Kazakhstan to create an emergency reserve of 100,000 metric tons of gasoline ready for delivery to Russia," the material says.

Reuters reminds that Moscow imposed a ban on gasoline exports for six months from March 1 to prevent an acute shortage of fuel. However, traders said that the ban could be extended if the situation in russia worsens. Kazakhstan also limited fuel exports until the end of the year. According to the sources, the stocks of Ai-92 gasoline in Kazakhstan as of April 5 amounted to 307,700 tons, and the stocks of Ai-95 gasoline - 58,000 tons. Diesel fuel stocks amounted to 435,300 tons, and aviation fuel stocks - 101,000 tons.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in March, russian oil companies reduced gasoline production after a series of attacks by Ukraine on oil refineries.

On March 13, the Bloomberg agency reported that Ukrainian drone attacks on oil refineries in russia damaged 12% of production facilities.

Thus, the production of gasoline in russia in March compared to February decreased by 9% after attacks by Ukrainian drones on oil refineries.


