Society 2024-09-15T04:11:55+03:00
Ukrainian news
Kolomoiskyi forbidden to call his relatives by phone

Kolomoiskyi forbidden to call his relatives by phone

PrivatBank, Kolomoiskyi, Ihor Kolomoiskyi, oligarchs, oligarch, Bureau of Economic Security

Businessman Ihor Kolomoiskyi was not allowed to call close relatives by phone.

This is evidenced by court materials, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

On June 7, he turned to a detective of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine with a request in accordance with Art. 220 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on granting permission to make telephone calls with close relatives in accordance with the procedure specified in Art. 220 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

On June 12, the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine refused to consider the petition.

On July 5, Kolomoiskyi filed a complaint with the investigating judge of the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of the city of Kyiv against the inactivity of the detective of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine regarding the granting of permission to make phone calls with close relatives.

On July 12, the court ordered the Bureau of Economic Security to consider granting such a permit.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the Kyiv Court of Appeal gave permission to place Ihor Kolomoiskyi in a medical facility outside the SSU pre-trial detention center. Ihor Kolomoisky is facing life imprisonment for organizing the murder of a Crimean lawyer in 2003. Earlier, the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv ordered the Security Service of Ukraine to transport Kolomoiskyi for treatment in a private medical facility in the event of a deterioration in his health.


