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USA can destroy all nuclear launchers of russia and China in 2 hours - scientists’ research

USA can destroy all nuclear launchers of russia and China in 2 hours - scientists’ research

NATO, Russia, USA, China, nuclear weapons, Russian nuclear weapons, Russian threat

The United States and its allies are capable of destroying all the nuclear launch sites of the aggressor country of russia and China within several hours if the need arises.

This is stated in the article Interesting engineering with reference to the report of experts "Masters of the air: Strategic stability and conventional strikes".

Scientists have studied the potential of the US and its allies to destroy the strategic nuclear forces of russia and China with a non-nuclear pre-emptive strike. According to the results, it turned out that the superiority of the West in weapons and striking capabilities can provoke an arms race due to the fear of the People's Republic of China and the russian federation.

"Our analysis shows that the US and its allies have a plausible non-nuclear capability today to neutralize the nuclear forces of russia and China by detecting, defeating, and defending against them. This should serve as a baseline for exploring new technologies such as hypersonic missiles, artificial intelligence, and related issues of cyber, space and electronic warfare," the study says.

Researchers claim that the US can hit the enemy with short-range bombs and missiles, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. These are missiles such as JASSM-ER and -XR, Tomahawk, AMRAAM, SM3 and SM6, which are launched from stealth bombers and other aircraft, ships and ground bases, the material says. In addition, Aegis, Patriot, THAAD and other air defense systems give the United States the ability to shoot down russian and Chinese ICBMs and air-to-air missiles within minutes of launch. The US also dominates the sea and the air.

The study examined the strategic bombers of China and russia. Experts called the strategic bombers TU-95MS of the russian federation "slow and vulnerable". The report also states that China lacks strategic bombers capable of hitting targets at a distance of more than 11,000 km.

"Overall, the study shows that China and russia may be trying to increase their nuclear and non-nuclear strike capabilities in an attempt to even the odds against the US and its allies," the publication summarizes.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in May, the USA conducted a nuclear test in an underground laboratory.

In October, the aggressor state of russia held exercises, during which it practiced a massive nuclear strike in response.


