Politics 2024-09-15T04:51:40+03:00
Ukrainian news
Partisans receive secret information about russia's problems with production of cruise missiles

Partisans receive secret information about russia's problems with production of cruise missiles

information, cruise missiles, problems, partisans, secret

Ukrainian partisans of the ATESH movement received secret information about russia's problems during the production of Kh-32 cruise missiles. They planned to produce 80 missiles by November 10, but in fact the number made 61.

This follows from a statement by ATESH posted on Telegram.

"Our agents at the Dubna Machine-Building Plant (Moscow Oblast) gained access to the company's documentation and valuable information. We learned that the above-mentioned plant did not have time to fulfill the annual state order for the production of Kh-32 cruise missiles," the message reads.

Thus, it was necessary to produce 80 missiles by November 10, but only 61 were actually made. An ATESH source from the plant's management reported that the state order exceeded the plant's capabilities by more than three times.

At the request of the plant's management, the production dates were postponed until the end of December 2023. That is, the task has been set to produce 19 more missiles.

"We found out that these missiles are delivered to the 52nd heavy bomber aviation regiment (military unit 33310, Shaykivka) and military unit 35020-B of the "Bila" garrison. Tu-22M3M bombers are in service in both military units, specially converted from Tu-22M3 to launch Kh-32 missiles," the partisan movement said.

They added: "We will work harder to reduce the russian federation's ability to produce weapons and continue waging war against Ukraine."

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, ATESH movement partisans broke into a part of the russian National Guard in the capital of the russian federation, Moscow, and took "several interesting materials."



