World 2024-09-15T04:31:35+03:00
Ukrainian news
Kazakhstan denies preparing gasoline stocks for russia

Kazakhstan denies preparing gasoline stocks for russia

Russia, Kazakhstan, gasoline, prices for fuel, attacks on russian oil refineries

Kazakhstan did not receive a request from russia to create reserves of 100,000 tons of gasoline.

This was reported by DW with reference to the statement of Shingys Ilyasov, adviser to the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan.

Ilyasov noted that Kazakhstan did not create gasoline reserves for russia in case of a shortage that could be caused by Ukrainian drone attacks on oil refineries. According to DW's calculations, russian refineries have already been attacked by drones about 40 times since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the russian aggressor state.

"According to the agency's estimates, own reserves of AI-92 gasoline in Kazakhstan as of April 5 amounted to 307,700 tons, reserves of AI-95 - 58,000 tons, and reserves of diesel fuel - 435,300 tons," the material says.

The publication writes that the russian government banned the export of gasoline for six months from March 1.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on April 8, the Reuters agency stated that the aggressor state of russia asked Kazakhstan to be ready to supply it with 100,000 tons of gasoline in case of a shortage that could be caused by Ukrainian drone attacks.

On March 13, the Bloomberg agency reported that Ukrainian drone attacks on oil refineries in russia damaged 12% of production facilities.

Thus, the production of gasoline in russia in March compared to February decreased by 9% after attacks by Ukrainian drones on oil refineries.


