War in Ukraine 2024-09-15T04:13:31+03:00
Ukrainian news
British intelligence names consequences of strike on warehouses in russia's Voronezh Region and shows satelli

British intelligence names consequences of strike on warehouses in russia's Voronezh Region and shows satellite images

British intelligence, UK Intelligence, British intelligence update, UK intelligence operational update, drone attack on russia

British intelligence said that a strike by the Defense Forces on a russian ammunition depot in russia's Voronezh Region would stretch russia's already problematic logistics chains and highlight russia's inability to protect key facilities in an area with dense air defenses.

This is stated in the intelligence review of the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom.

Thus, it is known from open sources that on July 7, 2024, Ukrainian troops struck a russian ammunition depot near Sergeevka, Voronezh Region, from a drone. It is indicated that this attack led to the almost complete destruction of ammunition and equipment stored in open fortified areas, as well as buildings located on the site.

"This is a significant loss at a depot that reportedly covered approximately 9 square kilometers," the intelligence emphasized.

A Planet Labs satellite image of a destroyed warehouse. Photo: X/DefenceHQA Planet Labs satellite image of a destroyed warehouse. Photo: X/DefenceHQ

It is reported that it is very likely that the warehouse stored a mixture of surface-to-surface ammunition, as well as small arms used by front-line personnel. This will further stretch russia's already problematic logistics chains and lead to even greater dispersion due to the constant threat of Ukrainian strikes.

"This incident further highlights Russia's continued inability to protect key locations in an area that boasts a densely layered Air Defense posture, some 80km from the Ukraine border. Such shortcomings will almost certainly see further losses to other well-planned Ukrainian strikes," emphasizes the department.

A Planet Labs satellite image of destroyed buildings. Photo: X/DefenceHQA Planet Labs satellite image of destroyed buildings. Photo: X/DefenceHQ

In addition, British intelligence emphasizes that russia can ill afford such losses, given its adopted strategy of war of attrition, which pays little attention to the lives of its soldiers.

"This approach requires huge amounts of ammunition. Russia is now relying on its limited foreign partners for this supply due to its own defence industry struggling to meet the frontline demand," added British intelligence.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, on July 7, there was a drone attack in the Voronezh Region of the aggressor country of russia, as a result of which a warehouse with ammunition caught fire. An evacuation was announced there due to a detonation.


