Politics 2024-09-24T04:00:02+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine announces démarche to Mongolia for putin's visit

Ukraine announces démarche to Mongolia for putin's visit

Vladimir Putin, Rome Statute, Mongolia, arrest warrant, arrest warrant for Putin

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has announced a démarche to the Mongolian side due to the refusal of the signatory country of the Rome Statute to arrest russian dictator vladimir putin.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has said this in a statement on Thursday, September 12, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

Ukraine is disappointed by Mongolia's refusal to arrest putin, as required by the International Criminal Court, which issued a corresponding warrant.

"On September 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced a démarche to the Mongolian side during a meeting with the Director General of the Department of Europe and Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, Gankhuurai Battungalag, who arrived in Kyiv from Ulaanbaatar at the invitation of the Ukrainian side. Ukraine will not leave such actions without an appropriate reaction. The decision taken by Mongolia will be taken into account in the further policy regarding the development of bilateral relations with Mongolia and during the development of Ukraine's position regarding the support of this country in international formats," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said in a statement.

The department emphasized that they hope for steps from Mongolia to restore traditionally friendly Ukrainian-Mongolian relations in the interests of both states.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, on September 6, International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan said that Mongolia will have to explain why it ignored the warrant and did not arrest russian dictator vladimir putin.

On September 3, a Mongolian government spokesman said that the country was unable to arrest russian dictator vladimir putin because it is dependent on imports of russian oil products.

Recalld that on March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of russian dictator vladimir putin on charges of war crimes.


