Politics 2024-09-24T05:00:01+03:00
Ukrainian news
Investigation in Farion case gathers new evidence - lawyer of murdered woman's daughter

Investigation in Farion case gathers new evidence - lawyer of murdered woman's daughter

Iryna Farion, Farion, Iryna Farion murder, murder of Farion, Farion murder, Farion's daughter

The investigation into the murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Iryna Farion gathered new evidence.

The lawyer of Farion's daughter Nataliya Romanyk said this in an interview with the Ukrainian News Agency.

"The investigation announced new evidence, in particular, the conclusion of the odorological examination, the examination of odor traces," said the lawyer.

She noted that this is one of the types of biological research, which is similar to another type of examination - the study of traces of papillary lines (fingerprints), because the scent traces of a person are unique, like papillary patterns, like DNA.

The lawyer added that this is a full-fledged forensic examination, the essence of which is the collection, preservation and laboratory identification of individual odors by specialists, under special conditions, with the help of special detector dogs.

The lawyer also told whether the investigation gave the injured party access to the investigation materials.

"The investigation does not create obstacles in the exercise of the victim's right to get acquainted with the case materials. At the same time, we are aware that we are one party - the prosecution party (so says the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine). And our common interest is the non-disclosure of the information of the pre-trial investigation. Therefore, journalists will not hear from the victim anything much more than the prosecution deems necessary to make public, without prejudice to the investigation," Romanyk emphasized.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the examination established that the suspect in the murder of Farion Viacheslav Zinchenko was 99.99% at the scene of the crime.


