Farion murder

Found 24 results
Investigation in Farion case gathers new evidence - lawyer of murdered woman's daughter
Politics 23 September 2024, 11:27 196
Police find FORT gun during search in Farion murder case
Society 22 August 2024, 15:08 368
Investigation expands circle of those involved in murder of Farion, since Zinchenko did not act alone
Society 22 August 2024, 14:08 474
Suspect in murder of Farion fears for his life after threats from her daughter
Society 21 August 2024, 17:06 268
Suspect in murder of Farion transferred to another pre-trial detention center for his safety
Society 21 August 2024, 16:50 462
Investigation gets access to phone conversations of suspect in murder of Farion for 1.5 years
Society 12 August 2024, 13:15 332
Court grants investigation access to bank account of murdered Farion in PrivatBank
Society 08 August 2024, 17:55 354
Court grants access to all of Farion's phone calls for 1.5 years
Society 08 August 2024, 12:31 204
Suspect in murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Farion remains in custody
Society 07 August 2024, 12:38 322
Investigation studying who called Farion and with whom she corresponded in messengers before murder
Society 05 August 2024, 12:55 871
Farion was killed by shot in back of head, not in temple - investigation
Society 03 August 2024, 15:55 2781
Killer of Farion could be hiding in forest house - his belongings found there
Law Enforcement 02 August 2024, 16:39 708
Farion's daughter knows who ordered her murder, but refuses to tell names
Society 01 August 2024, 17:17 603
After murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Farion, her daughter was taken under guard
Society 01 August 2024, 13:59 411
Suspect in murder of Farion sure that he did not do it - lawyer
Society 31 July 2024, 13:00 375
Lawyer of suspect in Farion’s murder tells about similarity of case with murder of Sheremet
Society 31 July 2024, 12:41 226
SSU considering version about involvement of russian special services in organization of Farion's murder
Law Enforcement 26 July 2024, 20:07 327
Court chose preventive measure for Farion's murder suspect. During court session, Zinchenko sticked his tongue to journalists
Law Enforcement 26 July 2024, 19:38 498
Farion murder suspect arrest. What he said about murder
Law Enforcement 26 July 2024, 16:42 608
Law enforcement officers not found yet gun with which linguist Farion was killed
Law Enforcement 26 July 2024, 15:56 233
