Society 2024-09-15T04:10:50+03:00
Ukrainian news
Investigation gets access to phone conversations of suspect in murder of Farion for 1.5 years

Investigation gets access to phone conversations of suspect in murder of Farion for 1.5 years

Iryna Farion, Iryna Farion murder, Farion murder, suspect in murder, Vyacheslav Zinchenko

The investigation into the murder of the linguist and professor of the Lviv Polytechnic Iryna Farion received access to the telephone conversations of the suspect in the murder Vyacheslav Zinchenko from the beginning of 2023.

This is evidenced by court documents, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

On August 8, the senior investigator of the Department of Investigation of Crimes Committed Against Life and Health of the Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Lviv Region appealed to the investigating judge with a request to grant permission for temporary access to data that contain a secret protected by law and are in the possession of a mobile operator.

In particular, the investigator requested information on all connections for the time period from January 01, 2023 to July 26, 2024 made by the suspect, to provide a copy of the information on subscribers' connections on a digital medium and/or on a sheet of paper (in the form of a certificate - in the absence of connections) and provide the ability to retrieve the medium (and/or sheet(s) of paper) containing a copy of such information.

The court granted the investigation access to incoming and outgoing calls, SMS, MMS, dates, time and duration of conversations.

The investigation was also given access to information on the movement of funds.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the suspect in the murder of Lviv Polytechnic Professor Farion was kept in custody. Vyacheslav Zinchenko refused to testify in the case.


